
Selected Bibliography

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Selected Bibliography


Berman, Sanford. "When the Subject is Indian." American Indian Libraries Newsletter 18, no. 2 (Winter 1995). available online here


Byrne, Alex, Alana Garwood, Heather Moorcroft and Alan Barnes, comps. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocols for Libraries, Archives and Information Services. Deakin, A.C.T. Australian Library and Information Association, 1995. available online here


Calliou, Sharilyn “Sunrise: Activism and Self-Determination in First Nations Education 1972-1998.” In Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada: Current Trends and Issues.(2nd. ed.) Saskatoon, Sask: Purich, 1999.


Carter, Nancy Carol. “American Indians and Law Libraries: Acknowledging the Third Sovereign.” 94 Law Library Journal 7 (Winter 2002): 7-26.


Doyle, Ann. “Naming and Reclaiming Indigenous Knowledge: Intersections of Landscape and Experience.” in Proceedings of the Ninth International Society of Knowledge Organization, Vienna Aus. Wurzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2006.


Frosio, Eugene T. “Comments on the Thomas Yen-Ran Yeh Proposals.” Library Resources and Technical Services 15, no. 2 (Spring 1971): 128-131.


Herlihy, Catherine S., and Fraser Cocks. “The Luiseno Culture Bank: Expanding the Canon.” Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 20, no. 1 (1995): 61-81.


Lawson, Kimberley L. Precious Fragments: First Nations Materials in Archives, Libraries and Museums. Unpublished MLIS Thesis. Vancouver, B.C.: University of British Columbia, 2004.


Lee, Deborah E. “Aboriginal Students in Canada: A Case Study of Their Academic Information Needs and Library Use.” Journal of Library Administration 33.3/4 (2001): 259-92.


Library and Archives Canada. Report and Recommendations of the Consultation on Aboriginal Resources and Services. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2004.


Lincoln, Tamara. “Cultural Reassertion of Alaska Native Languages and Cultures: Libraries’ Responses.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 35, no. 3-4 (2003): 265-290.


Lincoln, Tamara. “Ethno-linguistic Misrepresentations of the Alaskan Native Languages as Mirrored in the Library of Congress System of Cataloging and Classification.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 7, no. 3 (Spring 1987): 69-89.


MacDonell, Paul, Reiko Tagami and Paul Washington. Brian Deer Classification System. Student paper. available online here


Māori Subject Headings Nga Ūpoko Tukutuku available online here


Martens, Monica. "Creating a Supplemental Thesaurus to the LCSH for a Specialized Collection: The Experience of the National Indian Law Library." Law Library Journal 98, no. 2 (Spring 2006).


Moorcroft, Heather. “The Construction of Silence.” Australian Library Journal 42, no. 1 (February 1993): 27-32.


Moorcroft, Heather. “Ethnocentrism in Subject Headings.” Australian Library Journal (Feb. 1992): 40-45.


National Library of Australia. The Aboriginal Thesaurus. First Roundtable on Library and Archives Collections and Services of Relevance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. State Library of South Australia, Adelaide, 4 May 1995. available online here


National Library of Australia. Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. First Roundtable on Library and Archives Collections and Services of Relevance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. available online here


Nuckolls, Karen A. “Subject Access to Diversity Materials: The Library of Congress Subject Heading Shortfall.” In Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Academic Libraries: Multicultural Issues, eds. Deborah A. Curry, Susan Griswold Blandy, and Lynne M. Martin, 241-251. New York: Haworth Press, 1994.


Olson, Hope A. "Mapping Beyond Dewey's Boundaries: Constructing Classificatory Space for Marginalized Knowledge Domains." Library Trends 47, no. 2 (Fall 1998): 233-255.


Olsen, Hope. The Power to Name: Locating the Limits of Subject Representation in Libraries. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic, 2002.


Tomren, Holly. Classification, Bias and American Indian Materials. Unpublished paper. San Jose: San Jose State University, 2003. available online here


Szekely, Chris. Te Ara Tika=Guiding Voices: Māori Opinion on Libraries and Information Needs. Wellington, N.Z.: New Zealand Library and Information Association and Te Ropu Whakahau, 1997.


Yeh, Thomas Yen-Ran. “The Treatment of the American Indian in the Library of Congress E-F Schedule.” Library Resources & Technical Services 15, no. 2 (Spring 1971): 122-129.


Young, Mary L. and Dara L. Doolittle. “The Halt of Stereotyping: When Does the American Indian Enter the Mainstream?” Reference Librarian 47 (1994): 109-19.

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