
Subject Headings

Page history last edited by kathleenburns77@... 16 years, 8 months ago

American Indian Library Association: Subject Access and Classification Committee




Part of the mission of the SACC Committee of the American Indian Library Association is to identify ways to improve subject headings. A portion of this work centers around proposing subject headings to the Library of Congress, for inclusion in Library of Congress Subject Authority File. Identifying and proposing changes to existing LC subject headings-- to clarify or correct problematic or inadequate headings-- also falls under the umbrella of the SACC Committee. This page is a forum for committee members to record proposed headings, which may be generated by conversation on the AILA list, by conversation with other librarians, or by their work with Native communities and materials. This page also lists subsequent stages in a proposal's life, including submission to review committees, submission to the Library of Congress, and commentary by committee members working on proposals. Proposed changes to existing headings, and related proposals are also recorded here. LC Guidelines for the SACO program are available at http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/saco/saco.html


In addition, SACC and AILA members are encouraged to record successful SACO proposals-- including those not associated with the AILA-SACC Committee-- in order to build a record of competence and expertise that will eventually help us found a Native American SACO funnel project (FAQ about funnel projects).






New LC Subject Headings

Suggested New Subject Headings

Anyone can propose a heading for the SACC Committee to work on. AILA members should feel free to post needed headings to the AILA list-serv or contact a member of the SACC committee so that their suggestions for new subject headings can be logged. Suggestions are encouraged and welcomed. A list of SACC members is on the main page of this wiki.


Federal Indian law

Comments / Literary Warrant:


Federal Indian policy

Comments / Literary Warrant:


Indians of North America--Removal


Comments / Literary Warrant: The new heading, Indian Removal, 1813-1903, was formulated by LC with AILA input and added to LCSH on June 8, 2007. Sandy Berman proposed the heading Indians of North America--Forced Removals, as early as 1976!


Longest Walk

Comments: Warrant: American Indian Activism: ALCATRAZ TO THE LONGEST WALK, 1997; also: http://www.smithsonianlegacies.si.edu/objectdescription.cfm?ID=231 and http://www.jofreeman.com/photos/Longest_Walk.htm + many others...


Tribal Sovereignty 

Comments: See Michael McLaughlin's article in Versed (Nov-Dec 2005 issue). McLaughlin notes that there is no SH for Tribal Sovereignty and makes some points about classification that may also be of interest to the committee. For literary warrent: a quick survey of local catalog turned up four works that used "Tribal Sovereignty". If others find further works, please add to this entry. (KB)




New Subject Heading Proposals Submitted for Review

Some institutions offer a system of review for SACO proposals. When possible, SACC works with staff at such institutions to take advantage of existing review programs and expertise.



SACO Proposals for New Headings Submitted to LC


  • Urban Indians
Comments: Link to proposal here (Word document); submitted by KW, 1/29


  • Indian illustrators [May subd. geog.]
    UF Illustrators, Indian
    BT Illustrators
    BT Indian artists
    - submitted: MNK 2007 Sept. 22


  • Assiniboine beadwork [May subd. geog.]
    UF Beadwork, Assiniboine
    BT Beadwork -- Great Plains
    BT Indian beadwork -- Great Plains
    - submitted: MNK 2007 Sept.25


  • Iroquois Indians in art
    BT Indians in art
    - submitted: MNK 2007 Oct. 13


  • Tuscarora artists [May subd. geog.]
UF Artists, Tuscarora

BT Indian artists -- United States

BT Indian artists -- Canada

- submitted: MNK 2007 Oct. 14


  • Tuscarora art [May subd. geog.]
UF Art, Tuscarora
BT Iroquois art -- United States
BT Iroquois art -- Canada
BT Art, American
BT Art, Canadian
- submitted: MNK 2007 Oct 14
  • Chemehuevi baskets [May subd. geog.]

UF Baskets, Chemehuevi

BT Indian baskets – California

BT Baskets – California

- submitted MNK 2007 Oct. 15



  • Pueblo boys [May subd. geog.]

UF Boys, Pueblo

BT Indian boys – Southwest, New

BT Boys – Southwest, New

- submitted MNK 2007 Oct. 18


  • Yokuts baskets

UF Baskets, Yokuts

BT Indian baskets--California

- submitted MNK 2007 Oct 27


  • Winter counts

UF Waniyetu wo´wapi

BT Indian calendars – North America

BT Picture-writing, Indian – North America

- submitted by MNK 2007 Oct 31


  • Indian high school students

UF High school students, Indian

BT Indian students

BT High school students

- submitted by MNK 2007 Nov 5


  • Inupiat art

UF Inupiat art

BT Eskimo art * Alaska

BT Art, America * Alaska

- submitted MNK 2007 Nov. 5




Existing LC Subject Headings

Suggested Changes to Existing LC Subject Headings


  • Changing headings for specific tribes or nations from an adjectival form with "Indians" to just the name of the people. Example: Mohawk Indians to Mohawks, etc.
    • View a proposal by Library and Archives Canada (LAC) to discontinue the use of the term "Indians" in subject headings here
    • View a letter of support for the proposal by the Xwi7xwa Library at the University of British Columbia
  • Change Crow Indians to Apsalooke Indians (currently a cross-reference).



Proposals to Change Existing LC Subject Headings Submitted for Review

Some institutions offer a system of review for SACO proposals. When possible, SACC works with staff at such institutions to take advantage of existing review programs and expertise. If listing a proposal that has been submitted for review, please include heading, name of review institution, and initials.



  • Urban Indians as cross reference for Indians-- Urban residence (submitted to Yale review committee, Spring 2007 - KTB; submitted Oct 30, 2007 to LC.  Additional comments: Originally submitted SACO proposal for new heading for "Urban Indians"; upon review by Yale committee, was advised to create 450 in existing NAR for Indians -- Urban residence, in addition to KW's submission)
  • Urban Indians in North America as cross reference for Indians of North America-- Urban Residence (submitted Oct. 30, 2007 to LC - KTB per advice of Yale review committee)



Proposals to Change Existing LC Subject Headings Submitted to LC

Please put date of submission in parentheses. If/when the proposal is approved, please cut and paste entry into appropriate section in the "Success" section below, and record date of approval.


  • Tlicho (diacritics wanting due to wiki's style limitations) Indians as cross reference for Dogrib Indians (submitted 2007 Aug 27 - Mario K.)

  • Nakoda Indians as cross reference for Assiniboine Indians (submitted 2007 Sept. 25 - Mario K.)



AILA-SACC Success Stories

Approved New LC Subject Headings

Note: many subject headings worked on by AILA-SACC are joint efforts, but in compliance with SACO guidelines, the proposal can only be made by one individual. Please put submitter's initials in parantheses following a heading to assist with tracking.




Approved Changes to Existing LC Subject Headings

Note: many subject headings worked on by AILA-SACC are joint efforts, but in compliance with SACO guidelines, the proposal can only be made by one individual. Please put submitter's initials in parantheses following a heading to assist with tracking.


  • Indian Removal, 1813-1903 (Comments: Formulated by LC with AILA input, added to LCSH on June 8, 2007)
  • Indian men-women as cross reference for Two-spirit people (submitted 2007 Oct. 9 - Mario K.; approved November 2007)
  • Birch bark as cross reference for Birchbark (submitted 2007 Oct. 17 MNK; LC made Birch bark the authorized form with Birchbark as a cross-reference, November 2007)




More Success - Other SACO proposals by AILA members

These SACO proposals have been submitted by AILA/SACC members but are not associated with the work of the AILA-SACC Committee. Building up a record of competence and expertise in proposal submissions will help the committee and AILA to eventually establish a Native American SACO Funnel Project. Please order subject headings alphabetically, and place submitter's initials in parantheses following heading.







New Indian-Related Subject Headings Culled from LC Weekly Lists

Weekly lists of new and changed subject headings are posted on the Cataloging Policy and Support Office web site as they are approved. Diacritics and most special characters are not displayed. There are generally fifty-one weekly lists each year, with no list published for the final week of December. Recorded below are Indian-related headings, culled by AILA-SACC volunteers. For a full listing of all newly approved and changed headings, please consult the Library of Congress Subject Headings Weekly Lists page. The first list below, the tentative weekly list, consists of headings that are being reviewed by the Library of Congress. The list that follows, the approved weekly list, consists of headings that have been reviewed and approved for use.


It is the committee's hope that this record of heading review and approval will eventually become a useful historical record, and will assist both catalogers working with American Indian materials, and scholars researching cataloging trends related to American Indian peoples.


Headings highlighted in yellow were submitted by AILA members.



Other notable recent new/changed headings:


  • Coeur D'Alene Indians

            053   E99.S63

             previous form: Skitswish Indians




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